Urgent! The National Park Service is Evicting McPherson Square on FEBRUARY 15TH. TWO MONTHS Earlier Than Planned and During HYPOTHERMIA SEASON! Neither the Federal nor the City government will provide housing or promised “intensive social services”. Call or Email Jeff Reinbold, Superintendent of the National Mall & Memorial Parks, and Tell Him To STOP This Cruel Eviction: 202.245.4661 / jeff_reinbold@nps.gov
Mayor: Muriel Bowser: 202-724-2643, muriel.bowser@dc.gov
Deputy Mayor of Health and Human Services: Wayne Turnage: 202-727-7973, wayne.turnage@dc.gov
Ward 2 Councilmember: Brooke Pinto: 202-724-8058, bpinto@dccouncil.gov
At-Large Councilmember: Robert White: (202)-724-8174, rwhite@dccouncil.gov”
Callblast Script: “Hello, my name is ______ and I’m a concerned DC resident. I’m calling on the National Parks Service to stop encampment sweeps targeting homeless McPherson Square residents planned for February 15th. These sweeps are violent, cruel, and don’t help people find the housing they need. We need a stronger and more immediate investment in safe, single, and permanent housing citywide. This planned eviction, as well as all previous and future encampment evictions are cruel and inhumane. Thank you.”